Pujya Swamiji's teaching tenure spanned almost 50 years as one of the senior acaryas mentioned at the Aradhana celebrations. The time period of this book falls mid-way and hence has the flavour of Pujya Swamiji's teachings across the 5 decades. As one turns the pages, readers will witness and reminisce the thought-provoking messages that he imparted. We thoroughly cherished every moment of creating this book, and are sure readers will enjoy it as well.
During the book release function, a translation work of Mundaka Upanishad in Hindi from the original text earlier published by AVR and PT was also released. The translation has been done by Swamini Prabhananda Saraswati and will benefit all Hindi readers.
The books were released at the Adhistananam of Pujya Swamiji during the seventh Aradhana celebrations on 23/09/22 and will be shortly available at www.avrpt.com. |